The COVID-19 pandemic is having an unprecedented impact on New Zealanders.
Our Tourism sector, one of the most significant contributors to New Zealand’s economy, has been hit hard. The implications of this have been immediate and immense with industries such as aviation, hospitality, accommodation and entertainment all but ceasing to operate, impacting the financial security of thousands of our employees and their communities.
Our healthcare, aged care, grocery and supply chain sectors are preparing to support the nation through a pandemic, both immediately and into the foreseeable future. Essential businesses/services have an urgent and large demand for additional skilled employees to do so effectively.
With the aim to minimise the disruption and uncertainty to our people, this initiative is a collaborative approach to the building of a sustainable employment solution.
Through a centralised online talent portal, we can enable the speedy redistribution of skilled talent from those employers who are temporarily unable to sustain their workforce, into organisations who most urgently require a larger one. When industries regenerate and require talent to return, we can pivot quickly to respond and enable employees to return.
A ‘fit for purpose’ software build has been developed through JobAdder to enable an accurate and relevant transfer of available talent from and to participating organisations. This talent portal is restricted to participating organisations who have experienced a change of employee demand due to Covid-19.
A governance group has been established through a collaboration of individuals representing New Zealand based businesses. The aim is to continue to refine the programme of work to ensure it is meeting the needs of those businesses involved. Any companies wishing to participate are welcome to attend governance group meetings to provide feedback, identify risks and/or continuous improvement opportunities as they arise.
Governance Group & Support
Deloitte New Zealand1 are the Professional Services consultancy partner who initiated contacts and connections within New Zealand business. They have provided support (pro bono) to date, to ensure the legitimacy of the initiative, and are working with all parties to apply appropriate governance. Going forward, Deloitte will provide Programme Management Office support for this initiative. A governance group has been formed with representatives from Deloitte New Zealand, Emergent & Co, SkyCity Entertainment Group and JobAdder to ensure continued momentum and appropriate improvements are made, ensuring the initiative supports all stakeholders who participate.
Relationship Management
Emergent is an independent consulting partner who has deep understanding of talent acquisition programmes along with a strong and credible business network in New Zealand. Emergent’s role will be to co-ordinate and connect Employers who have had their employee base significantly impacted through COVID-19. All Deploying and Employing companies must be vetted by Emergent & Co before an introduction to JobAdder is facilitated and access to the portal is made available.
Deploying Company
The Deploying Company is the Employee’s current employer. In the case of an employee being made redundant, the Deploying Company will provide access to the talent portal for those employees. In some cases, they may approve and support Employee’s to take leave without pay for a period of up to 12-16 weeks to take up a new temporary position with an Employing Company.
By being engaged to participate in this initiative, it has been accepted and understood that the employment standards of the Deploying Company are high and involve appropriate security and reference checking. With this in mind, less rigour may be required by Employing Companies enabling a more expedited process for Employees.
The Deploying Company may choose to add an additional validation step where it is applicable to do so. This will be agreed up front to ensure Employing Companies understand the criteria.
The Deploying Company will be invoiced and pay a one-off charge of $1,500.00 (excl GST) to Emergent & Co for managed services and ability to promote access to the talent portal for their employees.
Employing Company
The Employing Company provides employment opportunities directly to employees who are seeking temporary or permanent employment opportunities.
Once they have agreed to participate, there will be an introduction to JobAdder for a Terms of Agreement to be signed, to access the talent portal.
The Employing Company will be invoiced a charge of $1,500.00 (excl GST) directly by JobAdder for each month they use the portal. This agreement is a month by month rolling agreement, paid monthly in advance and must be terminated in writing. A copy of the agreement is attached to this letter. It will be at the Employing Company’s sole discretion as to whether or not to make an offer of employment to the employee and, if so, on what terms. They will be responsible for ensuring that any offers of employment are consistent with their obligations under any collective employment agreement in the Employing Company’s workplace covering the work to be performed by the Employees.
With the Employee’s consent, it will be a requirement of the Employing Company to regularly update progress steps within the talent portal for active employees, if progressing contact.
It will be understood that if an employee is progressing through a process with one Employing Company, another Employing Company is unable to approach them until they return to Active status.
Currently employed by the ‘Deploying Company’ but who’s position of employment has been substantially impacted due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This may include reduced hours, a requested temporary stand-down period or redundancy.
Employees impacted will be given the opportunity to load a static profile in the software, via a URL link either provided directly to them or through the Deploying Company internet, to enable them to be considered for vacancies by Employing Company.
It will be at the Employee’s sole discretion on whether they choose to accept an offer of employment from the Host Employer.
For the purposes of this document only, “Employee” may also mean a former employee who has been made redundant by the Deploying Company as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Software Solution Provider
JobAdder is a global cloud-based recruitment management platform designed to simplify and automate recruitment processes, allowing Human Resources and Recruitment teams to be more productive and successful. JobAdder has developed a solution to facilitate the movement of employees from businesses that are redeploying staff, to businesses that are hiring. JobAdder will support the Deploying Company by providing a simplified employee experience, ensuring clarity of source is established (i.e. validating the Deploying Company). Through a URL, employees exiting Deploying Company’s are able to enter a profile through this talent portal. The portal is then made available for Employing Companies to search and communicate with this valued talent, expediting recruitment processes for speed and efficiency. JobAdder will engage with the Employing Company to ensure a signed Terms of Business is established. They will then provide the Employing Company with onboarding to the portal including any training and user access to the talent portal to search for employees who match job families, roles, shift availability and locations. JobAdder will provide basic reporting to both parties (being Deploying and Employing Company) to understand progress and outcomes.