Advocacy and Legislation

Letter to Minister of Tourism – re Better Work Plan inclusion of hospitality

posted on

19 Mei 2023

Hon Peeni Henare
Minister of Tourism

E te rangatira, tēnā koe

He Mahere Tiaki Kaimahi – Better Work Action Plan

As the representative body for hospitality businesses across the country, we are keen to ensure
that leading into this year’s election, Hospitality is not lost within the wider Tourism landscape.
As Minister of Tourism, you will no doubt be aware of the significant contribution the Hospitality
industry makes to the wider Tourism sector—over 19,428 businesses employing 135,000 people
across Aotearoa, while contributing more than $13 billion to the national economy.

Despite this, our sector regularly finds itself left out of policy processes, so I would appreciate an
opportunity to meet with you to discuss how we can work together to better integrate the
Hospitality industry into the development and implementation of Government policy.

The Tourism ITP Better Work Action Plan has been a fantastic opportunity for this to occur, and
our team has already identified a number of opportunities for the Government to work more
closely with our sector to ensure that the initiatives in this plan are a resounding success.
We were pleased to see the recent budget allocating funds to support the Better Work Plan. It is
encouraging to witness this investment being made to bolster the hospitality industry.

Specifically, we would like to see Hospitality explicitly mentioned throughout the plan, extending
beyond just the Accord. It is important for the industry to be named in this crucial piece of work,
particularly in the key headings. This seemingly small adjustment can make a significant
difference, as it ensures that those in hospitality feel acknowledged and included.

My team would be happy to work with your office to find a time for us to meet, whether in Tāmaki
Makaurau, Te Whanganui a Tara or online. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of any
assistance in the meantime.

Ngā mihi nui,

Marisa Bidois
Tāhūhū Rangapū (Chief Executive)
Restaurant Association of New Zealand

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