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Getting it straight: Anzac Mondayisation

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We get a lot of queries at this time of year about the upcoming public holidays, so here’s a quick overview.
There is a special provision in the Holidays Act 2003 relating to Monday-ising public holidays when they fall on the weekend. This applies to Christmas / New Year public holidays as well as Waitangi Day and ANZAC Day. What this means is that these public holidays will be observed on Saturday or Sunday for workers who usually work on those days, but will be transferred and observed on Monday or Tuesday for other workers for whom the weekend days are not a regular day of work. 

An employee will still only be entitled to observe the public holiday on one day. If for instance Waitangi Day falls on a Saturday, and an employee usually works on both Saturday and Monday (and works both days on the week of the public holiday), they will observe the public holiday on Saturday. Monday will simply be paid as a normal day of work (not at public holiday rates).

For more information please click here to [READ MORE] (check point 4. which deals with Mondayisation).

If you still have queries regarding Anzac Day, public holidays and Mondayisation, please call the Restaurant Association Helpline on 0800 737 827

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