Applications can be made on the IRD website from 8am, Tuesday 24 August.
A business or organisation must have experienced at least a 30% drop in revenue or a 30% decline in capital-raising ability over a 7-day period, due to the increased COVID-19 alert level.
Eligible businesses and organisations can apply to receive the lesser of:
$1,500 plus $400 per full-time equivalent (FTE) employee, up to a maximum of 50 FTEs
four times (4x) the actual revenue decline experienced by the applicant.
The Wage Subsidy Scheme(WSS) is available nationally when there is a regional or national move to Alert Levels 3 and 4 for a period of seven days and helps eligible businesses keep paying staff and protect jobs.
Businesses will be eligible for $600 per week per full-time equivalent employee, and $359 per week per part-time employee.
Applications for the wage subsidy opened at 9am on Friday 20 August, 2021. Apply here.
A second wage subsidy has also been activated and can be applied for from 3 September, 2021.
The Covid-19 Short-Term Absence Payment is available for businesses, to help pay their workers who cannot work from home while they wait for a Covid-19 test result. There’s a one-off payment for each eligible worker.
If the employee is off sick with Covid-19, caring for someone with Covid-19, or have been required to isolate because of Covid-19, the Covid-19 Leave Support Schemeis available for employers, including self-employed people, to help pay their employees who need to self-isolate and can’t work from home. The scheme is paid as a lump sum and covers 2 weeks per eligible employee, for people who were working 20 hours or more per week.