The Restaurant Association is delivering a suite of professional development webinars and videos available through the Activate Tāmaki Makaurau initiative.
For a limited time, until 31 March 2022, Auckland businesses can access our Business SOS Series and Activate Academy for free thanks to the support of the Activate Tāmaki Makaurau programme. This tailored collection of business-focused Covid-support webinars are available through the links below.
For access to this and lots of other hospitality-related resources and materials, all you need to do is:
- Register into the Business Community Platform via this link:
- Verify your email address when you receive the request in your email inbox
- Select ‘Hospitality’ as one of your preferred industry categories
- Make sure you search for an following the Restaurant Association page on the Activate Community platform.
- Register for the Business SOS Series via this link: and access the Activate Academy videos here.
About the Business SOS series
The Restaurant Association have developed a series of ‘Business SOS’ workshops led by Finance Advisors, Legal Experts, Business owners and mentors.
This series will provide you with a solid starting point for decision making and future proofing your business.
Over 5 sessions, these experts share their valuable insight and advice, providing workable tools and strategies to help you create a plan of action. They will walk you through what the data and trends say, suggest ways to pivot your business, best practises for managing cashflow and understanding the process of insolvency.
Access the Business SOS series here.
About Activate Academy
Our Activate Academy is an on-demand hub, where you can upskill yourself and your teams. Professional Development is crucial to strengthen the hospitality sector, by creating a more skilled and sustainable workforce.
Gain access to our top monthly content and hear from industry leaders and experts, ways to optimise and streamline your business. Connect with leading innovators and thinkers who share their trade secrets on all assets of the business- whether it be marketing, finance, wellbeing, employment law or team building.
To get you started on your learning journey, we have gathered some of our most popular content. Over 3 sessions, you will unpack recruitment tactics, see opportunities in customer complaints and discover strategies to prevent and overcome conflict.