The government has announced a move to Phase 3 from 11.59pm, 24 February, 2022.
A quick summary of Phase Three:
- Locations of interest are not published in Phase 3.
- Rapid antigen tests (RAT) becomes the key method for diagnosis of Covid-19
- positive test results do not need to be confirmed with a PCR unless advised
- Majority of positive cases are self-management
- Anyone with symptoms must isolate and get a test
- Positive cases n
- need to isolate for 10 days
- self-release after 10 days (you do not need a negative test)
- Positive cases will be asked to self-notify close contacts
- businesses will now more likely be contacted directly by their employee that they are positive / a close contact, rather than by public health
- Close contacts (Household contacts)
- Household contacts – need to isolate until the positive case completes 10 days (with test on day three and day ten).
- If you are a Household Contact and you test positive, you will need to isolate for 10 days.
- Other close contacts – not required to self-isolate, monitor symptoms and get tested if symptomatic
- Household contacts – need to isolate until the positive case completes 10 days (with test on day three and day ten).
More detail on Phase Three:
You should only get a COVID-19 test if: you have symptoms, or, you are a Household Contact
- Rapid antigen tests (RAT) becomes the key method for diagnosis of Covid-19
- Symptomatic people may use a RAT for diagnosis – positive test results do not need to be confirmed with a PCR unless advised
- RATs will be available at a variety of locations, depending on reason for testing, including Community Testing Centres / Pick up points, GPs, pharmacies, community providers or workplaces.
Case investigation and contact tracing
- Locations of interest will not be published during Phase 3.
- There will be self-service tools available for people to provide information for contact tracing and case investigation. People who test positive will be supported to notify their Close Contacts.
- Cases will be:
- identified by positive PCR or RATs, or if they have symptoms
- notified by text message and sent a link to complete the COVID-19 Contact Tracing form. This online self-investigation tool will focus on very high-risk exposures to narrow the numbers of contacts identified.
- Contacts will:
- only be traced and required to isolate if they are a high-risk contact (household)
- be contacted automatically through the online self-investigation tool, with the option for people who test positive to notify their contacts themselves
- there will be limited use of push notifications, locations of interest or Bluetooth tracing.
Isolation and quarantine
- Cases: Isolate for 10 days (self-release after 10 days, no need for a negative test)
- Household contacts of a Case: Isolate until Case completes 10 days. Test Day 3 and Day 10 of the case’s isolation, or if symptomatic
- Other Close contacts: No requirement to isolate. Self-monitor for 10 days and test if symptomatic