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Auckland Council Emergency Relief Fund to support Aucklanders affected by floods

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Auckland Council and central government have allocated $100,000 each to an Auckland Council Emergency Relief Fund to support communities experiencing hardship due to storms which have lashed the region. More money is expected to be contributed to the fund over the coming days.

“Response efforts are continuing as Aucklanders clean up and assess the impacts of the storm, with Auckland Emergency Management, emergency services, and hundreds of Auckland Council staff and contractors on the ground across the region to assist those hit by the impacts of intense rain since Friday,” Mayor Brown says.

The Auckland Council Emergency Relief Fund supports people who are experiencing hardship due to disasters and need urgent financial assistance. The fund is in addition to other support that people may qualify for through the Ministry of Social Development.

How to access the Auckland Council Emergency Relief Fund

Applications to the Auckland Council Emergency Relief Fund can be made online. People can call Auckland Council on 09 301 0101 during business hours for assistance to complete applications forms.

Immediate assistance

People affected by the floods who need help with accommodation, financial assistance and insurance advice can visit Civil Defence Centre Hubs. Further information is available at

If you cannot make it to the hubs, please phone Auckland Emergency Management on 0800 22 22 00 for assistance.

Other financial support available through the Ministry of Social Development

For welfare assistance contact the Ministry of Social Development on 0800 400 100.

Civil Defence payments are available to people who have been affected by the flooding in the Auckland region. You don’t have to be on a benefit to qualify for a Civil Defence payment. In most cases it doesn’t matter what your income is or what assets you have. These payments are available for a limited time. A Civil Defence payment can help with:

accommodation costs if you’re evacuated and are staying in accommodation such as motels, hotels or temporary rental accommodation

  • loss of income because you can’t work due to the flooding
  • emergency food, clothing and bedding if yours has been damaged or destroyed by the flooding
  • a payment if you have evacuees staying with you in places such as a private home, marae or community centres.

If you have urgent food needs as a result of being displaced by the flooding, you can look for providers at

How to contribute to the Auckland Council Emergency Relief Fund

If you would like to donate to the Auckland Council Emergency Relief Fund, make a deposit to:

Auckland Council
12 3113 0131166 00
Reference: Flood fund (please also provide a phone number if you would like a tax rebate form)

You can also email

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