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Changes to AEWV aim to address processing times

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Immigration New Zealand (INZ) is making changes that they say are to improve wait times across the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) scheme.

INZ have acknowledged that employer accreditation, Job Check and AEWV applications have been taking longer to process – which is one of the key frustrations voiced by RA members.

As a result INZ are now processing similar applications in groups, such as those from the same sector or location or where applicants are in similar situations. The premise is that by assessing these at the same time, INZ can be more efficient and process applications faster, while ensuring the necessary checks still take place.

INZ note that incomplete applications also continue to be a contributor to the longer wait times. Applications that include the required evidence and documentation will be prioritised. Getting your application right the first time will mean it is processed faster. Checks that you:

  • include all the required evidence when you apply for accreditation or a Job Check
  • understand the advertising requirements for your role before advertising, so you can include the right evidence in your Job Check
  • encourage migrants to read about their AEWV application requirements when you send them a job token
  • check the duration of your current accreditation.

View also: Job checks and AEWV applications – getting the information right

More on AEWV wait times

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