Do you want your business to be recognised for your commitment to maintaining best practice, good business and for being an outstanding employer?

Welcome to HospoCred, the hospitality industry’s accreditation programme, created by the Restaurant Association!
About the programme
HospoCred is a hospitality accreditation scheme, created by the Restaurant Association and designed by the industry, which has a driving purpose to create a platform for standards within the hospitality industry. Businesses that achieve HospoCred-itation have displayed a commitment to best practice, increasing their impact and ultimately committed to ongoing development of themselves, their business and their team.
All businesses within the hospitality industry are welcomed to apply for HospoCred accreditation.
Applying to become an accredited member is not just about achieving a certification or seal of approval; it’s about joining a community of other businesses dedicated to the same vision and goal. HospoCred accreditation creates a clearer picture for Government, for other businesses, for employees and consumers about what it means to be a good employer.
How does a business become accredited through the industry’s accreditation programme, HospoCred?
Firstly, if you are a hospitality business owner and interested to find out more, have a look at the information on this page about the programme, review the application form to find out the type of questions and supporting information that we’ll need you to supply and then register your initial interest. We’ll schedule a 15 minute catch up where you can ask questions and find out more.
Click here if you are a member of the public and want to find out what it means if a business is HospoCred-ited
The HospoCred application process involves the following steps:
- Completing all sections of the online application form
- Providing evidence of professional development training undertaken by both the owner/manager and employees in the business
- Sending supporting documentation when required
- Interviews with the business owner and a random selection of the business’ workforce
There are 5 sections to the HospoCred accreditation programme, recognising outstanding practices in:
- Employment
- Workforce development
- Policy / business
- Financial management
- Training / professional development
Employers have many responsibilities to their employees. Many of these responsibilities come from employment legislation and this section analyses business employment practices. To achieve accreditation criteria the business must demonstrate how they exceed recognized benchmark standards.
This section of the application form will ask a series of questions around employment practices in the workplace, including that the business is paying more than the minimum wage. Simply tick the responses that apply for your business. In addition, the following documents are to be supplied:
- A copy of the business’ standard employment agreement for employees
- A sample job description for 2 roles in the business
- An example of a letter of offer previously provided to an employee
- A printed wage record for 2 employees
- A printed leave record for 2 employees
- A sample job interview form
- An application for employment form
- A sample referee / reference check form
- A sample induction programme for 1 employee
- A copy of the business’ employee Code of Conduct handbook
Workforce development focuses on an individual’s ability to grow their skills and develop the tools they need for business success. Accredited businesses will have programmes in place that train employees to be more productive and prosperous, that help career progression and to benefit both employee and employer.
This section of the application form will ask a series of questions around development practices in place. Simply tick the responses that apply for your business. In addition, the following documents are to be supplied:
- A sample training plan for new or existing staff
- A copy of the business’ org chart
- A sample performance appraisal template
- A copy of all employees remuneration rates
For every business, there are business certifications and licences that are required to ensure you are compliant when managing your day to day operations. This section assesses that business compliance, as well as the workplace policies and procedures in practice that support employment relationships and provide guidance for the business. Accredited businesses will have policies and procedures that promote an efficient, productive and harmonious workplace culture.
The business and policy section of the application form asks about processes in places around sale and supply of alcohol, health and safety, food safety, sustainability, customer service, diversity, and more. Simply tick the responses that apply for your business. In addition, the following documents are to be supplied:
- Evidence from insurance company, or certificate showing current business insurance in place
- A copy of the business’ food registration certificate
- A copy of the liquor licence (if applicable)
- A copy of the workplace health & safety programme
- A copy of business policies that are in place for a range of areas – from sustainability, to diversity, customer service to health & wellbeing.
In hospitality financial prosperity can be challenging. Employers need to develop skills to plan, build systems and constantly evaluate the financial performance of their business. Successful employers will not only have a handle on their costs, debt management and cashflow, but will be strategic in their planning and forecasting, managing practices to help maintain financial wellness for their business.
This section of the application form addresses financial management practices. In addition, the following information is to be supplied (strict confidentiality of all information supplied will be maintained):
- A copy of the business’ business plan
- A copy of the business’ strategic plan
- A copy of the business’ marketing plan
- Financial statements (profit and loss, cash flow, balance sheet) for the previous 12 months
Providing the details of ongoing professional development undertaken by the owner / manager, as well as employees in the business, is part of the accreditation online application process. Completion of Employment New Zealand’s employment e-learning modules for employers is also a requirement of this Step.
You will need to supply
- details of at least 5 sessions (a minimum of 10 hours) of professional development training (either live or on demand) undertaken by the owner / manager over the past year. Suitable options are listed below. Please tick any of the training undertaken from the list, or list others:
- at least a minimum of 3 hours of external professional development training (either live or on demand) must have been undertaken by every employee currently employed in the business (over the past year).
In addition, Employment New Zealand’s employer e-learning modules must be completed. These are:
- An introduction to your employer obligations
- Working arrangements
- Employment agreements
- Pay and Wages
- Hours of work
- Annual Leave/Holidays
- Other Leave
- Resolving problems
Programme application steps

Had a look at what is involved in becoming a HospoCred accredited employer and keen to get started? Register here for an initial 15 minute catch up – the HospoCred business advisors will talk through the application process and you can ask questions.
Step 1 Complete online application form
The first step to accreditation is to complete the online accreditation application form, including evidence of professional development / training undertaken over the past year and completion of Employment New Zealand’s employment e-learning modules for employers.
Step 2: Collate and upload supporting documentation
Collate any supporting documentation requested as part of the application process and send to the Association. This is to be reviewed as part of the application process. This documentation will be held confidentially and securely, used only as part of the accreditation process. Review a checklist of the supporting documents here.
Step 3: Online application review
HospoCred business advisors will review the application and supporting information.
Step 4: Interview stage
The HospoCred business advisors will arrange a time to interview you and several employees as part of the application process.
Step 5: Feedback report & recommendations
A feedback report for your business will be provided (allow up to 28 days).
The report may recommend the following outcomes:
~ HospoCred accreditation is achieved – no further requirements needed
~ HospoCred accreditation is achieved – however minor additional best practice recommendations may also provided
~ Improvement recommendation(s) made – these improvements will need to be made before accreditation can be achieved (the business will have up to 6 months to make improvements and resubmit)
How to get started

Ready to apply? Click here to review and start the application process
If you have questions register for a 15 minute catch up, email or phone 0800 737 827.