
Archive report: 2019 Hospitality Industry Remuneration Survey

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  • Archive report: 2019 Hospitality Industry Remuneration Survey

Archive report: 2019 Hospitality Industry Remuneration Survey

$150.00 inc gst non-members

$67.50 inc gst members

In July 2019 the Restaurant Association conducted the latest hospitality industry remuneration survey. The Restaurant Association remuneration survey has been running for nineteen years, collecting comprehensive wage and salary data on job positions in the hospitality industry. The survey covers more than 100 positions, drawn from more than 700 businesses. Altogether, the organisations participating in the survey employ over 12,000 people.

Employers need up to date information of remuneration and conditions of employment to assist with:

  • Recruitment of staff
  • Retention of existing staff
  • Budgeting for future labour costs
  • Comparison of remuneration with other geographic areas

The hospitality industry remuneration survey is provided electronically and can be analysed by position, regionally and by type of business to enable business owners to drill down the results to suit their business type and location.

*Establishments that participated in completing the 2019 remuneration survey are entitled to a complimentary copy of the 2019 results. Contact if you would like to receive your complimentary copy.