Food Hui 2021 with BONUS Food Hui Plus Content
The Restaurant Association of New Zealand partnered with Eat New Zealand to bring together hospitality’s top thinkers, leaders, and doers for Food Hui virtually on November 1, 2021.
Food Hui celebrates and champions who and what we are as a food nation. Strengthening what we have already built and looking ahead to pave a more resilient food future for Aotearoa.
We have spent much of the past year looking at what is happening beyond our borders. Food Hui 2021 turns that focus inwards and invites you to look WITHIN.
Download the Food Hui 2021 Programme
Purchase details: Access to 8+ hours of on-demand replays, from sessions recorded on November 1 (Food Hui 2021) and November 2 (Food Hui Plus)
Food Hui 2021:
Morning session:
- Towards partnership for our food story: Dr Hana O’Regan, Angela Clifford
- MPI Supporting the conversation: Andrew Clarke
- Mana Kai: A values-based framework or national food strategy for Aotearoa: Ian Proudfoot
- A vision for local food networks in New Zealand: Heidi McLeod, Sita Venkateswar, Jonathan Walker, Nitha Palakshappa
- How food tourism can change the story we tell the world: Tracey Berno, Marijke Dunselman
- New Zealand’s food waste champions: Miranda Mirosa
Afternoon session:
- Message from Minister Stuart Nash
- From the big apple to Aotearoa: Matt Lambert, Phil Bell
- How can we harness hospitality’s power to connect people & place? Sarah Meikle, Alex Davies, Pen Naish, Lucas Parkinson
- What will the workforce look like in 20 years? Dominique Fourie, Jo Hempseed, Matt Lambert, Matt Stenton
- Kiwis on the international stage, returning home vs staying overseas: Monica Galetti, Peter Gordon
- Creating a positive narrative for the future of hospitality: Marisa Bidois, Matt Lambert, Chand Sahrawat, Mia Zhao, Rex Morgan
- Loaded Reports: Case Study
BONUS Food Hui Plus
- Total Team Makeover: Belinda Donaldson, Hayden McMillan, James Lea, Mike Egan
- Can you find a balance between work and wellbeing as the boss? Angela Lim, Julia Rucklidge, Lucas Parkinson, Lisa Levy
- What have we learned to help us turn adversity into opportunity? Emma Mettrick, Bevan Smith, Katrina Toovey
- What operating strategies will take into the future? Adrian Wills, Grant Kitchen, Krishna Botica, Lisa Levy
- Is big data the answer? Justin Lester, Dot Loves Data
- How can we get ready for the age of automation? Kristen Hawley, Richard McLeod, Krishna Botica