Monthly Hospitality Dashboard – August 2021

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The Hospitality Dashboard is a monthly snapshot of the industry, covering key data, initiatives led by the industry over the month, member commentary, future considerations and the common pain points.

In August 2021:

Most regular feedback:

  • Auckland businesses are most vulnerable in NZ’s Covid strategy – compensation needs to be equitable.
  • Clarity around likely time frames at different Alert Levels needed – rolling 3-4 day reviews more stressful than forward warning.
  • Businesses want resurgence support extended – it’s not enough support in extended lockdown situations.
  • Rent negotiations remain challenging.

Actions led by the industry this month:

  • As a result of the August Level 4 lockdown, the Association led calls to Government regarding the need for more targeted economic support for affected businesses.
  • Engaged with the Minister of Finance regarding the need for support and proposing alternative schemes.
  • Supported the Auckland Chamber of Commerce petition calling for more support through this Level 4 lockdown and beyond.
  • Collaborated on a proposal (along with other organisations) advocating for rent relief for small businesses.
  • Engaged with the Minister for Commerce & Consumer Affairs and the Opposition Spokesperson for Economic Development & Small Business – re concerns about anomalies across Alert Level Guidance.
  • Consulted with industry and provided feedback on proposed new policy around mandatory record keeping, QR codes and mask use.
  • Met with MBIE through the regional leadership group to address the industry’s skills shortage.
  • Provided updated guidance for the industry on operating requirements at Level 3.

Download the Restaurant Association August 2021 Hospitality Dashboard
