Online snapshot survey: Landlord negotiations at Level 4, 3, 2

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The Restaurant Association sought member feedback on the impact of Covid-19 in a series of short surveys.

This survey was conducted in May, 2020.

Key findings:

  • 75% received rent relief at Level 4. By how much rent was reduced varied, but 32% (of those that had negotiated rent relief) had negotiated 100% reduction in rent while in lockdown.
  • 57% received some rent relief at Levels 3 & 2. NOTE, this is the original Levels 3 & 2, not the second ones in August/September. By how much rent was reduced varied, but 16% (of those that had negotiated rent relief) negotiated 100% reduction in rent at Level 3 and 9% negotiated 100% reduction at Level 2.

“While our landlord has been generous we find it appalling that the Government has not addressed the issue and announced standard rent reduction guidelines for all businesses who lease premises. The outcome for individual businesses should not be determined by the generosity (or not) of their landlord.”

Feedback on coronavirus 2020_snapshot surveyLANDLORDS

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