The Hospitality Dashboard is a quarterly snapshot of the industry (released monthly through Covid), covering key data, initiatives led by the industry over the month, member commentary, future considerations and the common pain points.
In the 2nd Quarter of 2023:
Most regular feedback:
- Business conditions – Only 20% expect business conditions to improve over the next 12 months. The recession, upcoming election and legislation changes are factors creating unease.
- Cost increases – With profit typically sitting at between 4-7 percent, finding the delicate balance between managing costs and achieving a profit remains crucial for hospitality.
- Fair Pay Agreements – At this stage there is a lot of uncertainty around Fair Pay Agreements and what the outcome of bargaining will be.
- Health & Wellbeing – Nationwide, 61% of owners indicate their health & wellbeing is currently impacted (June 2023).
Actions led by the industry this month:
- Advocacy – The Association consulted with industry and made submissions on:
- Climate Change Commission’s 2nd Emissions Reduction Plan
- Improving Economic Resilience
- Recommendation for chefs to be included on the Green list x2 (initial feedback and final submission)
- Hospo Hop – Labour – We view the election year as a vitally important time to continue to raise awareness of the value of our industry. Over the quarter the Association held meetings with local MP’s to discuss our key priorities for the industry in election year 2023.
- Better Work Plan – Launched at the end of Q1, the Better Work Plan is an action plan aimed at making the hospitality and tourism workforce stronger, more sustainable, and resilient. There are 6 proposals, or Tirohanga Hou (meaning new outlook and ways of thinking),in the Action Plan which are underpinned by 14 initiatives to address these challenges. CEO, Marisa Bidois represents the hospitality industry on the Better Work Plan’s leadership group.
- Fair Pay Agreement (FPA) activity – Fair Pay Agreement bargaining preparations are underway. We are keeping members informed of key steps they need to undertake during the process. We have a clear area for member and non members to sign up to receive key updates.
- FPA industry advisory group – The Association has formed an industry advisory group to consult and provide feedback on FPA negotiations.
- Restaurant Association approved as bargaining party – Unite Union’s application to initiate Fair Pay bargaining was approved on 29 May, which gives 3 months for bargaining parties to be formed. The Association applied to be an employer bargaining party on 30 May and was approved on 26 June.